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In today's time, when everything is going global and rapidly digital, the responsibility and importance of media cannot be denied, whether it is social media or print electronic media. In today's era, the power of media It is also decided to a large extent which camel of power will sit and I am happy to see that the freedom of media and the voice of the people through the media reach the ears of the government are the same, you probably will not believe, but today social media https://monomousumi.com/ the-role-of-media-in-building-a-reputation-of-nation/">print and electronic media has become so powerful that governments of the people think it is a close watch on social media to overcome the problem of people today.

                         Now come, on the main topic, only through the media can a nation not only know about its public problems and solve it, but through social media people can solve the problem and get rid of the problem by knowing their opinion, a Media has a special contribution in the progress of the country as well. China is the best example of the affairs of the media today, there the media has created such an atmosphere towards China in the whole world It is because of this that most of the countries of the world think that investing in China is a profitable deal because with the help of media there it is told to the whole world that the wages here are the lowest and the government also gives huge tax exemption. Because of this, most of the company has positive thinking about China, while the Chinese media has unique parks and glass bridges or the best kind of swing. Whether or not the bullet train there has been so much praised and publicized through the media there, people come from different countries of the world to go there, so that the government gets income there, along with it millions If people also get employment, then with this small example you can understand that whether people have to end their life problems and upgrade their standard of living or that of the country mean far cannot access government that is driven by the media to come to the notice of the government through the media, and then take the solution to the country's development path.

Whether the media of a country can make the whole thinking of the world positive for its country and can also do it completely negative. Because of this, you can directly connect with the Prime Minister of any country in the country. The strength of the media is that you have done it from the Municipal Corporation to the Group of Ministers. By bringing the scam in front of the country and saving the country from becoming hollow, they are able to save the public from earning tax. Study closely and make your policy according to that country.